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The Neverhood All Puzzles

Here you can find a list of all the puzzles in The Neverhood and for all puzzle description, screenshot, hint and solution.
(you might meet the puzzles not in diffrent order)

#1 The Hammer 

Description: you are waking up in a pink room, you need to get out.

You have: handle, window, button and hammer.

Hint: try find what any thing do.

Solution: Pull the handle 3 times by click on it - the hummer will hit the door who crash. pass the door by click on it. 

Description: you are in a blue room. you need to get out. 

you have: ladder, trap-animal, 5 rings hang on the ceiling, and a door with a button

Hint: go down on the ladder and read the latter.

Solution: push the trap-animal until it is below the fourth ring from left. Jump to the ring (by click on it) and click again to leave. The right door is open, click is to pass.

#2 The rings

#3 The TNT man

Description: you have a computer. you don't know what to do. 

On the computer you have: a block man, and twelve block in right. 

Hint: Click on the blocks. watch the difference between the blocks with wick and the blocks without. click on the right or left to exit the computer and compare between the computer the the reality.

Solution: click every block in the block man until it have a wick.

Description: So many text.... what to do?

Hint: just walk it all through.

Solution: Walk it all through and take the disk.

#6 Hall of Record

#11 Lighting stones

Description: You have four stones wich turn if you click the bottons. 

Hint: Try pull the rope and try again. 

Solution: Get out from the machine, pull the rope to turn off the light. Now the Red botton makes laser.

Part A

Part B

Description: You have a four colored stones change the color when you press the bottons.


Hint: Watch the hint in the light (BOOBY??)

Solution: BOOBY mean Blue Orange Orange Blue Yellow. press the bottons until the stones is these colors. 

#12 Memory quiz

Description: some clay-squares.  it you click one, yuou get draw of something. can you draw them all?


Hint: you need to make pairs.

Solution: make pairs in the drowing. if you wrong all erase. very difficult to remember everything. it is very helpful to write it all down.

#13 The Mouse

Description: one of the must difficult puzzles in the neverhood. the mouse must get the cheeze. each hall take it to unexpected hall.


Hint: copy the drawing. number the halls. now write each hall take you to each.

Solution: this is the solution:

Description: changing shapes. clicking on red botton stop in the currect shape and come to the other. what is the right code?


Hint: where did I seen that shape in the past? hint: put attention to the unusual.

Solution: you need the put the shape in the order show in the place near the bridge. the unsual sound indicate that shape is wrong. you need to put the shape you didn't see instead.

#14 The Shapes

#15 bil's bear

Description: code of three characters. can you know what is the right code? press the yellow arrow to see.


Hint: where did I seen that drowing in the past? 

Solution: in the memory puzzle. count how many character you have in wich draw and put the number usuing the arrows. press the yellow botton the check. the bear should move.

#16 The Gun

Description: you have to put codes in the gun the to aim it up\down and right\left. how can you find the right code?


Hint: the code is hide someplace other in the game. sometimes you can't see it in light...

Solution: up\down code is in the hall of record (don't forget to let the light off!) the right\left code is in the HammerBoy's place (watch map)

#16 The Gun

Description: you have to put codes in the gun the to aim it up\down and right\left. how can you find the right code?


Hint: the code is hide someplace other in the game. sometimes you can't see it in light...

Solution: up\down code is in the hall of record (don't forget to let the light off!) the right\left code is in the HammerBoy's place (watch map)

#17 The Discs

Description: did you notice the disks throw the games and the television when you can put the disks and watch them? it is a general big puzzle too!


Hint: collect all the disks and put them in the tv.

Solution: you need to collect all the disks put theme on the television and play it. (view movie)

in the end willie Trombone will give you a key (keep it!)

Description: now you need to find the right position for the keys to unlock the door.

Hint: the code is in the room. it just dark. what can help you to light it? 

Solution: go to Chip Butty (map). drug the slide projector into the vaccumer and press the botton to vaccum. now the slide projector is on the castle. you it to light the code.

Part A

Description: you are track in the room when the weasel want to eat you. What do you do?

You have: Dynamite man

Hint: You have also a match.

Solution: wait the weasel to pull the match. take it by click on it. Click the dynamite man to light it and grab it to the monster. it will boom. 

#4 The Weasel

#5 The missing pice

Description: you have a 3X3 pattern with 8 cubes. when you clik on one of the cubes, it moves to the missing pice place. 

Hint: Make H for Hoborg.

Solution: You need to move the pices to make H shape. the blue form left and the brown from right. I you will succeed, the door will open.

#7 Musical Tubes

Description: You have to get into the house. B put when you press the bell botton it make music with the tubes.

you have: dinusaur skull, feet botton, and door botton.

Hint: open the water in the weasel place, and take the glass from the hall of record. The skull is a faucet, you must be thirty!  

Solution: Do what write on the hint, press the feet botton, and drink from the water. You can spit into the tubes to change the tone high. Try make the same music in the upper tubes - a musical earing exercise! 

The final solution: 3, 1, 2, 0, 4

#8 The Three Bottons

Description: You have a door lock by three bottons in the colored: orange, blue, and white. some a pressable, some are not.

Hint: You have to find this botton in a diffrent places. one press turn them on - and the 

secont off.

Solution: The orange one: in the Aqua house, the blue one: in hall of record behind the grates (but don't forget to close theme after!) and the last, the white, in the red pot in the weasel place.

#9 Building a bridge

Description: you have a lot of pices to build a bridge. but what pice match every time?

Hint: the shape of the right pice is the same on it's previos.

Solution: You need to put the shapes in order so the indentions and the prutrusions will match - try to image them turned.

#10 The Radio

Description: a radio play music. When you click on it change stations and play other music. Or maybe he is off?!

Hint: The ring turn the radio. The Right station music is in the green pod.

Solution: For turning on the radio go to the beginning, fifth ring. 

to know the right station music go to the green pod and find the radio (maps)

#11 Test Cubes

Description: you need to make a potion. But what is the secret recipe? 


Hint: Find your way in the green pod.

Solution: you can find the recipe in the green pod path (what out maps)

Description: you have four on four web of numbered halls.

Hint: find the three keys.

Solution: the keys are on: the shapes puzzle, the television, the castle (hang on balloon - you need to find the pin and destroid it.

Part A

#18 the keys

#18 Final Quiz

Description: very similar to the first quiz. you have obstacle, you ring, and you have flaytrap!


Hint: think out of the box. 

Solution: I don't think so!!!

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