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Arabic Verb Builder

The Arabic Verb Builder is a software I developed to help Arabic students like myself learn the complex Arabic verb system.

The software was written in C# and run on .NET environment, which means it can only run on windows. You can try it now by clicking the download button!

WARNING: this is a BETA version. It might contain bugs and it's not mistake proof. To report a bug click here.

© Beta Version 4.0

About the Arabic verb System

The Arabic verb system is very complex.

A verb is a combination of a form and a root (3 consonants). Each of those verbs can be conjugated into different moods and pronouns.

For example, the verb مُنْتُ is in form 1, has the root كون and is conjugated in the past mood, and in the first person singular pronoun. 


The forms in Arabic Are:




















Where ف, ع, ل are the root consonants 

Roots and "Special roots"

the root is a sequence of 3 consonants. It is inserted into the template of the form and of the matching conjugation.

The 3 consonants are called (matching to the demo root فعل - FAL)

  • "Fa Alfiel" - ف الفعل (F of the verb)

  • "Ain Alfiel" - ع الفعل (A of the verb)

  • "Lam Alfiel" - ل الفعل (L of the verb)

If one of the consonants are ي or و it can cause problems and call for a special set of rules I like to call "Special roots rules." In those cases it is possible that one of the 3 root consonant will not appear in the conjugated verb. Like in the verb كَانَ, Ain Alfiel - و  - does not appear. 

The Special Roots: 

  • FWFY - Fa Alfiel is "W" or "Y" - ف الفعل و أم ي

  • ِAWAY - Ain Alfiel is "W" or "Y" - ع الفعل و أم ي

  • LWLY - Lam Alfiel is "W" or "Y" - ل الفعل و أم ي

  • Doubles - when Ain Alfiel is the same consonance as Lam Alfiel.  (like in the verb دَلَّ)

  • Hamza roots - if one of the consonant is an "Hamza" - ء - an empty consonant. like the verb تَسَاءَلَ


Each verb can be conjugated into the following moods:

  • Past - الماضي- used for things that were done in the past

  • Non-Past - المضارع - used for present and future tenses.

  • Imperative - ألأمر - used for orders ("Clean the house!"). Note that this mood can only be conjugated for second person pronouns. 

  • Agent Active - اسم الفاعل   - an active noun form of "someone who does X". For example - for the verb "to write" an agent active form can be "a writer".

  • Agent Passive - اسم المفعول   -  a passive noun form of "someone who is done X". For example the agent passive form of the verb "to win" can be "defeatable"

  • Infinitive - المصدر - the name of the action. For example the infinitive form of the verb "to write" is "writing"


The pronouns can be in First, Second, and Third Person, each can be singular, dual or plural, and Male or Femal

*Note هما is the same pronoun for dual male or female but the verb conjugation may the different ! in the software the male form is defined by the word ذكر and the female form by the word أنثى)

About the Interface

Choose the form index

(see forms table above)

Type the root

(3 Arabic letters)

The vowel of Ain Alfiel in the non-past and imperative moods. (For form 1 only). Each verb in form one can have one of the 3 vowels as this vowel. You need to check in the dictionary what is this vowel

Check this if the past template for form 1 is فَعِلَ instead of فَعَلَ (some verbs are)

Choos the mood (See mood table above)

Check this to create a passive conjugation of the verb

Unchecked will create an active conjugation.

Choose the pronoun

Click This to build the verb!

The Final conjugated verb will appear here

for the noun moods, select a "case" (depends on the grammatical relation of it in the sentence. (if you don't know what this means - don't bother with it.

you can also check if the noun is "known" ("the") or not.

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